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Gather with us!

Why is it called a "gathering"?


The church is not a building. The church is the people of God, whether gathered or scattered.  The church is not a place where we go. Rather, it is who we are.  We gather to recharge so that we can scatter to make disciples in Morgantown and among the nations.


When are our gatherings?

Sunday Gatherings are at 10:30 AM every Sunday. These include a time of musical worship, fellowship, and biblical teaching.​ We meet at Mountainview Elementary School, 661 Green Bag Road, Morgantown, WV.

Community groups and life groups happen at various times in various places during the week. You can contact one of our pastors for more information.


Can your children come?

Absolutely! We invite families to worship together on Sunday mornings.


Are Sunday gatherings for college students?


Yes! College students are welcome any time The Church at Morgantown gathers. Besides Sunday evenings, college students are also invited to attend the Young Adult Community Group every Wednesday at 7:15 PM. Check out the "Young Adult Ministry" tab on our website for more information.


What should I wear at The Church at Morgantown?


We like to prepare for worship intentionally and reverently, and we understand that everyone's "Sunday best" looks different. Our gatherings tend to be casual. Anything you can wear with jeans will probably fit with our crowd! Please use your discretion in choosing attire that is appropriate for a casual and worshipful setting.

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